A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'AllowPrerelease'

2021, Nov 09
D:\git\alex\sitecore-102\compose\ltsc2019\xp0\compose-init.ps1 : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'AllowPrerelease'.
At line:1 char:1
+ .\compose-init.ps1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [compose-init.ps1], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,compose-init.ps1

You are simply not up to date on PowerShell modules

To resolve this you need to update two modules. PackageManagement and PowerShellGet. Open a PowerShell window and execute the following commands.

Install-Module -Name PackageManagement -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber

The output should look pretty similar like this.

PS D:\git\alex\sitecore-102\compose\ltsc2019\xp0> Install-Module -Name PackageManagement -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber

WARNING: The version '1.4.7' of module 'PackageManagement' is currently in use. Retry the operation after closing the applications.
PS D:\git\alex\sitecore-102\compose\ltsc2019\xp0> Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -Repository PSGallery -Force -AllowClobber

WARNING: The version '1.4.7' of module 'PackageManagement' is currently in use. Retry the operation after closing the applications.
PS D:\git\alex\sitecore-102\compose\ltsc2019\xp0> 

After doing this close all your PowerShell terminals and run your init script again :)

Happy coding!

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